Kategóriák archívuma: Pronunciation & spelling/Kiejtés és helyesírás

Phonetic symbols/Fonetikus jelek

Consonants:   /p/        put                              /Ʒ/        vision                                                                                 /b/        bag                              /h/        hot /t/         time                            /χ/        loch /d/        day                             /ʧ/        chair /k/        can                              /ʤ/      jam /g/        dog                             /m/       meat /f/        foot                             /n/        snow /v/        very                            /ŋ/        sing /θ/        three                           /w/       water /ð/        this                              /r/         ring /s/        sit                                /l/         small /z/        zebra                           /j/         you                                                /ᶴ/         shine   Vowels and …

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Words that are difficult to spell/ Nehéz helyesírású szavak

These words can be difficult to spell. The part of each word that usually causes problems is in bold. • accommodation                                          • jewellery • address                                                       • millennium • alright (but all right)                                     • opposite • association                                                  • possession • cassette                                                       • practise (verb) • cigarette                                                      • practice (noun) • commercial                                                 • (a TV) programme (US program) • …

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Silent consonants/Néma mássalhangzók

The following words all have a silent consonant (we write it down but we do not pronounce it).     B: climb, comb, debt, doubt, dumb, lamb, thumb C: fascinating, muscle, science, yacht D: Wednesday, handkerchief G: champagne, sign, foreign H: hour, honest, yoghurt, exhausted K: knife, knee, knock, know, knob L: could, should, would, half, …

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