

Words connected to love/Szerelemmel kapcsolatos szavak

♥NOUNS OF LOVE♥:                                                                                                    

♥ BEAUTY: attractiveness, grace, loveliness
♥ CHARM: attraction, glamour
♥ DELIGHT: happiness, joy, pleasure
♥ DEVOTION: affection, fidelity, dedication
♥ HAPPINESS: bliss, cheerfulness, delight, joyfulness
♥ HOPE: faith, optimism, belief
♥ JOY: bliss, delight, elation, gladness

♥ LOYALTY: devotion, faithfulness, fidelity
♥ MARRIAGE: wedding, wedlock, bond, union
♥ RESPECT: admiration, appreciation, esteem, favor
♥ SACRIFICE: dedication, devotion



♥ AFFECTIONATE: adoring, caring, loving
♥ BEAUTIFUL: attractive, fair, lovely, stunning
♥ ENDLESS: eternal, unending, timeless
♥ FAITHFUL: constant, steady, steadfast
♥ HAPPY: cheerful, glad, joyful, merry, pleased
♥ OPTIMISTIC: bright, sunny, upbeat
♥ PEACEFUL: quiet, still, undisturbed
♥ SINCERE: genuine, honest, heartfelt

♥ UNIVERSAL: omnipresent, cosmic, global, worldwide
♥ UNSELFISH: selfless, self-sacrificing
♥ VIBRANT: intense, strong, vivid, dynamic, energetic, vigorous
♥ WARM: compassionate, sympathetic, tender



♥ CHERISH: esteem, treasure, foster, nurture
♥ HOPE: anticipate, expect, look forward to
♥ INSPIRE: excite, motivate, stimulate
♥ LOVE: adore, cherish, treasure
♥ MARRY: espouse, wed, combine, couple, unite
♥ PRIZE: appreciate, value, cherish
♥ PROMISE: pledge, vow
♥ RESPECT: honor, regard, admire
♥ VALUE: evaluate, appreciate, prize



♥ AFFECTIONATELY: dearly, devotedly, fondly, lovingly
♥ ENDLESSLY: ceaselessly, constantly, forever
♥ FAITHFULLY: devotedly, loyally
♥ HAPPILY: blissfully, joyfully, cheerfully
♥ ONLY: alone, exclusively, solely
♥ SINCERELY: genuinely, honestly



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